Welcome to Rustle Church’s website and thanks for checking us out!
We may seem to be an unlikely gathering of people who meet in a building on the corner of Russell and Patrick Streets in Kingston. But when we gather, we mysteriously become a Temple for the Holy Spirit who imperfectly attempt to live like Christ’s body in the world! (1 Corinthians 3 and 12).
Why don’t you come down and see what we do in person? We think you’ll like it.
Join us Sunday Mornings at 11 am!

Mission Statement
“As an unexpected family, we encourage the unlikely to root themselves in an uncommon love.”

Rustle Church got started in 2006 when our founding Pastor Al Doseger and an adventurous group from Next Church decided to move their experimental service called “Church in a Box” to a different neighbourhood with different needs and challenges….
Where we’re located:
65 Russell Street
in Kingston, Ontario

Our Team
Pastor Todd Stelmach and his small team of staff and volunteers serve the Rustle neighbour and beyond.

Weekly Habits
We have regular gatherings to help build relationships and practice our spiritual disciplines together.

Accessibility Project
We’re working to make our building a barrier-free space so everyone can participate in our Sunday services and various events.